Build Fast, Modern and Better Web App with Remix

The full stack Admin Template built with Remix, Prisma, and Tailwind. Banco comes with a comprehensive suite of pre-built components, pages, and fully customizable features to suit your unique needs.

BB King playing blues on his Les Paul guitar
Fly.ioPostgreSQLPrismaTailwindCypressMSWVitestTesting LibraryPrettierESLintTypeScript

The benefits

Why Banco is the perfect template?

Fast and performant

Built using Remix, a popular full stack web framework that provides nested routes, server-side rendering, automatic code splitting out-of-the-box. This makes the application fast and performant, with minimal load times and improved SEO.

Built-in functionality

Banco admin template includes built-in functionality such as authentication, data visualization, and form validation, which can save developers time and effort in building these features from scratch.

Modern Stack Technology

Build with popular tech stacks that are commonly used for building full stack web applications like Typescript, React, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Tailwind, Docker, Vite, Vitest, Prettier, ESlint, TanStack Table, etc.

Better code quality

Hybrid Routes with remix-flat-routes. Built using best practices, which can improve the overall quality and maintainability of the code.

Easy customization

Highly customizable and comes with a variety of pre-built UI components that can be easily modified and extended to fit the specific needs of the project.

Responsive design

Designed to be responsive, which means that they can adapt to different screen sizes and devices, making the application accessible to a wider range of users.

More than a simple template

30+ pages covering e-commerce, project and user management, calendar, kanban, etc

3 Dashboard Pages (Ecommerce, Banking, Analytics), 3 Pre-Built Management Sections (User, Ecommerce, Project), 4 Applications (Chat, Mail, Calendar, Kanban).

Banco is based on Remix official Blues Stack and come with all his advantages

Multi-region Fly app deployment with Docker

Multi-region Fly PostgreSQL Cluster

Healthcheck endpoint for Fly backups region fallbacks

GitHub Actions for deploy on merge to production and staging environments

Email/Password Authentication with cookie-based sessions

Database ORM with Prisma

and more


Switch between Light & Dark Mode


The perfect plan for your project

Choose the perfect plan for your needs.



Use for single end product which end users can't be charged for.

1 End product

6 Months Support

12 Months Free Updates

Use for Personal or a Client

Use in a Free End Product

Purchase Banco

Standard Plus


Use for unlimited end product which end users can't be charged for.

Unlimited End Product

6 Months Support

12 Months Free Updates

Use for Personal or a Client

Use in a Free End Product

Purchase Banco



Use for unlimited end product which end users can be charged for.

Unlimited End product

6 Months Support

Priority Support

12 Months Free Updates

Use for Personal or a Client

Use in a Free end Product

Use in an End Product that is sold

Purchase Banco


Learn Remix or Build your web App/SaaS with Banco today

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